Within our practical seminar in Digital Service Design we are going to design a digital solution for video selling at EnBW. Our task is to carry out all necessary steps in order to conduct the relevant data. Therefore we are going to stay in touch closely with Werner Schärfer on the part of EnBW, who will provide us with interview partners, resources, and the information needed.
Justificationary Knowledge
Design Knowledge
With this interation, we are creating a demo mockup, which gives a brief overview about the project's outcome.
Create a brief project plan, considering the Design Thinking phases, the Double Diamond steps and the planned iterations. Align them to the intermediate and final presentation date.
Visit ESD, that is the contractual call center of EnBW, in order to analyze the customer process and to carry out interviews.
Get used to the tool MyDesignProcess to an necesary extent
Using the given template in MDP
Derive design implications for the mock up based on the prior analysis
Creating a mock up using powerpoint animations and the EnBW user platform
Creating the PPT slides for the first intermediate presentation
With this iteration, we want to create a design prototype, which covers functional features, which we want to test.
Interview Daniel Ullrich from Vodafone with respects to
- usage of Wishbi
- usage of Liveshop
- measures
- KPI's
Interview Robert from SofaDoc with respects to
- a white label, which we would like to use in order to test our solution
- testing at SofaDoc
Interview Werner Schäfer from EnBW with respects to
- KPI's and measures
- NBA's
- project scope
- web selling
Create two scenarios for testing
1. With white label from SofaDoc
2. Without white label from SofaDoc
3. Consider the general set-up for testing (Who, when, where, what?)
Define relevant criteria for the business case calculation
Two mockups created:
1. First one
- Tools used: Balsamiq Mockups
- Purpose: evalutate accessability of video service on EnBW homepage and customer portal
2. Second one
- Tools used: PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator
- Purpose: evaluate video call interface features
Testing will be carried out at EnBW lab in Stuttgart on 02.02.2018
With this iteration, we want to create a functional prototype and identify the acceptance for each of the three stages identified stages
Carrying out this interview, we want to identify business case potentials of the video service
Now that we have conducted the business case requirements, a business model canvas is being created to evaluate the value proposition
During an appointment with the market research department of EnBW, we discussed the requirements for testing the prototypes in the EnBW lab
- Tools used: Skype (because it covers all necessary funcionalities for testing)
- Purpose: evalutate acceptance for each of the three stages of our video service solution
Testing will be carried out at EnBW lab in Stuttgart on 02.02.2018